Lincoln Corsair Manuals

Lincoln Corsair: Automatic Transmission - Automatic Transmission – HF45 / Disassembly and Assembly of Subassemblies - Transmission Fluid Pump and Filter Assembly

Lincoln Corsair 2020-2025 Service Manual / Powertrain / Automatic Transmission / Automatic Transmission - Automatic Transmission – HF45 / Disassembly and Assembly of Subassemblies - Transmission Fluid Pump and Filter Assembly


Name Specification
Motorcraft® MERCON® ULV Automatic Transmission Fluid


  1. Remove the bolts and the pump assembly.
  1. Remove the bolt and the filter assembly.
  1. Remove and discard the seal.


  1. Lubricate the seal with transmission fluid and install the seal.
    Material: Motorcraft® MERCON® ULV Automatic Transmission Fluid / XT-12-QULV (WSS-M2C949-A, ) (MERCON® ULV)
  1. Install the filter assembly and the bolt.
    Torque: 97 (11 Nm)
  1. Install the pump assembly and the bolts.
    Torque: 97 (11 Nm)

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